We’re always on the lookout for new music, particularly if a band isn’t recognizable. We stumbled across COMA BEACH a few weeks ago and instantly fell in love with their music
The sound of COMA BEACH is characterized by several themes that have been identified as being the key elements of its sound, including shock, chaos, pain, rage, and isolation, which have been identified as the key elements of its sound.
They begin with a haunting promise of an experience that is highly unusual by the very title of their debut album, “The Scapegoat’s Agony”, an ominous-sounding reference to Samuel Beckett’s literary works.

You can listen to our full playlist which contains the band’s music, and know more about their work by scrolling down the page.

The album has a clear artistic vision hidden behind all of this rather than just being a generic punk rock release…
Their style is difficult to categorize, but they’re often categorized as alternative rock, indie rock, pop-punk, punk rock and punk. They have a classic sound with male vocals and an anthemic feel that will get your heart pounding every time you hear it.
It is evident that the English lyrics of the band draw upon a variety of themes and motifs that come from a variety of authors, including the existentialist philosophy of the world as meaningless as it is depicted in Samuel Beckett’s plays and novels.

Douglas Adams’ narratives employ satirical-sarcastic approaches to the absurdities of human existence, for example; the often tragic and – not infrequently – Shakespeare’s plays have countless characters suffering from self-induced conflicts.
Schopenhauer’s system of radical metaphysical pessimism has countless characters suffering from self-imposed conflicts.
You can follow COMA BEACH on Spotify to stay up to date on all of their latest releases, as well as on their website.