Are you into Indie Rock music? If so, you’re probably down with the latest Rock releases. Here’s what’s going on in Rock music right now, so you can stay on top of it.
It is not uncommon to hear heavy rock music being deemed unpopular these days. They say that the 90s are long gone, and we’re in the pop decade. You don’t have to believe it. Rock is on the rise and ready to kick!
Some years ago Heavy Metal bands realized that their music wouldn’t sound good on the pop radios, so the decade of 2000+ has seen a decline in metal popularity. But independent rock music, or indie rock as it is sometimes called, still releases fantastic new music all the time.
As the new music trends come and go, some genres of rock music stay the same. True rock fans may rise and fall with the commercial popularity of radio stations, but their love for bands like Arcade Fire and The National goes unbroken.
While rock bands like to take a few years off between albums, true fans are patiently awaiting the next release from their favourite rock stars. One way to get through this frustrating lull is to take action and discover your own new music with bands that have been steady, for our happiness, and making releases.

The great rockers from the independent music industry are like non-stop hard workers. Sometimes even going solo isn’t enough to satisfy the fans’ desire for epic indie-rock jams, and in these attempts to reach the audience in the ultra-technological era, we are offered a huge number of options through music streams platforms. Why not take advantage of t?
That’s why we’ve rounded up some awesome new Rock songs that we think you’d enjoy. Check them out! You can listen to our full playlist which contains the artists’ music, and know more about their work by scrolling down the page.

1) REDEEMERS – Venue Affair
REDEEMERS‘ Venue Affair is a go-to alternative rock single. It’s got the classic sound of Britpop, with a modern twist—the vocals are male and on point, they’re not too aggressive, and there’s an anthemic quality to the song that makes it easy to follow along with.
The UK indie band is based out of Manchester, and this song proves that if you’re looking for a great new discovery from the UK rock scene, you should definitely check them out.
They were able to create music that is catchy but still heavy metal, it has a classic sound and reminds me of the UK rock scene in the 90s, with its catchy guitar riffs and strong male vocals.
We highly recommend checking out REDEEMERS if you’re looking for a new rock band to follow. Check out their Facebook, and they also have several songs available on Spotify, don’t forget to follow them.

2) NASH WEEKS – To Live
Rock music is an art form that has endured, even as it has changed over time. It’s also a genre that is still very much alive, and it’s being explored in new ways by independent artists who are taking advantage of the freedom that comes with being independent.
In France, one such artist is NASH WEEKS, who released his single To Live on Spotify weeks ago. With a sound that reminds me of classic rock bands like Led Zeppelin, this song is a great example of how artists can push boundaries and create something original without compromising their artistic integrity or heritage.
If you’re looking for some good indie rock to add to your playlist, I recommend checking out NASH WEEKS’ single To Live—and if you’re looking for more music like this from these guys (or just really good indie rock), check it out and follow them on Spotify!

3) CRAVE – Oblivion
The Norwegian band CRAVE released their new album, Oblivion, weeks ago. The album contains 12 tracks of 80’s style hard rock and heavy metal. The tracks on this album are very much in the vein of classic hard rock and heavy metal while still having a modern sound.
The vocals on the album are fantastic, they’re loud and powerful, but they also have a touch of emotion behind them that makes them seem more human than many other bands that rely on more robotic-sounding vocals.
It’s easy to sing along to these songs because they have such an anthem-like quality to them, your only difficulty will be reaching the incredible right notes with your own voice. The track Oblivion is a must-listen, these guys are just incredible!
I highly recommend checking out this album if you enjoy powerful rock music, 80s hard rock style and heavy metal! Check out their full album, you can visit their YouTube and follow them on Spotify as well.

4) TRYINGTOGETBY – Curse Of A Tongue
The band TryingToGetBy has released their debut album, Curse Of A Tongue. It’s an 11-track album of alternative rock music. The album is amazingly nostalgic and anthemic, featuring strong male vocals.
We can say it’s a real journey from emo rock, garage and pop-punk, and post-punk to ska and skater rock with many US influences. You will not regret listening to the full album, it’s hard rock in essence!
There are some very good songs in this album, and the band has a very unique style. They have a unique sound, and their mixes of pop-punk with emo rock and garage are very creative, making them suitable for a variety of audiences. The track Homeward Bound is a good try, go for it!
I would recommend this album to anyone who likes alternative rock music or wants to listen to something new and different from what they usually hear on the radio. Check it out, visit their YouTube channel and follow them on Spotify!

5) MDK FLA – Zerotime
MDK FLA is a band out of Fort Myers, Florida that has been releasing music since 2021. Their album ZEROTIME, is the perfect mix of melodic metal with electronic and synth effects. It’s very creative, and the producer just started making music a year ago but released 6 albums and many EPs already.
The album ZEROTIME starts off with “Alejandro” which is more instrumental, it sounds like coming straight out of a jungle bands festival, it’s intriguing and you can hear something like reverse vocal effects that makes it a little creepy. While listening to the song, we find it interesting to hear that the arrangement is intentional. It sounds like it is a deliberate attempt to bring us to the darker side of music in a creative way.
The album is full of options, but we recommend “Zerotime” which has a great drum n bass feel to it, some great guitar work in the background combined with amazing vocals from both male and female singers. It’s a music genre fusion, which begins with heavy metal drums and then moves into a more punk rock sound as the song goes on.
This album is definitely worth checking out if you like alt-rock and also electronic heavy metal music in general! You can visit their YouTube Channel and follow them on Spotify

6) NASMORE – When Will I Learn
NASMORE is a Canadian alternative rock band that has been releasing music on Spotify since 2021. The band recently released their newest single, “When Will I Learn,” which takes the listener on a journey through a variety of different genres.
When Will I Learn in the artist’s own words is a “back-to-basics” project, the result of a collaboration with Cris Hodges and Neil Taylor (A former member of ‘Tears for Fears’, Robbie Williams band and a long-term collaborator with stars like Tina Turner, Metallica, and Natalie Imbruglia). The song starts out with some classic rock, then moves into alternative and melodic hard rock, before ending up with an anthemic heavy metal sound.
The vocalist has a deep voice that carries the lyrics beautifully throughout the song. The lyrics themselves are relatable and will make you want to sing along, even if you don’t know all of the words yet. This track is perfect for anyone who enjoys classic rock, alternative rock music in general or even country rock – their country-rock voice division style is amazing.
If you like bands like Led Zeppelin or Foo Fighters then this song will be right up your alley too! We have to mention that their rocker lead singer is bold and brings even rap in some productions, that’s why we loved their freedom of creativity. If you want to check out more from NASMORE then head over to their website and follow them on Spotify!

7) LOVE GHOST – Pulp
Love Ghost, an alternative pop-rock band from Los Angeles, just released their new single “Pulp” and its music video The track is a banger that brings you back to the ’90s with its grunge sound and pop-punk undertones.
The band’s lead singer has a voice that’s both super catchy and super edgy: he sings like he means it, but also like he knows what he’s doing. You can tell that this is a band that knows how to write great songs—and keep them coming.
These boys have songs on Spotify with around two million plays, others reaching half a million already. That’s a confirmation that they know what is rock for the new generation. Their audience is younger, connected with Gen Z in the majority, so if we talk about modern pop punk-rock, we are talking about Love Ghost.
If you’re looking for something young and different in your music library, Love Ghost is the band for you. Check it out, watch their music video, visit their website and follow them on Spotify!

8) MELLOFELLOW – Run Candyman, Run
The Australian rock scene is full of interesting and diverse bands, but MELLOFELLOW stands out as one of the most intriguing. This band is releasing their single “Run Candyman, Run”, and it is a must-listen for any fan of classic rock or stoner rock
The single that introduced me to this band was “Run Candyman, Run,” which has a very nostalgic sound, but they have a very good and explorable portfolio. It reminds me of anthems from my youth while still being fresh and new.
Their songs have a strong resemblance to classic rock bands like Pink Floyd, AC/DC and The Rolling Stones, but with their own unique twist. Run Candyman, Run is a very catchy tune with an upbeat tempo that makes you want to sing along immediately upon hearing it for the first time.
I highly recommend checking out MELLOFELLOW’s Facebook and following them on Spotify if you’re interested in checking out more of their music!

9) TRUTH DEVOID – Absolution In Savagery
The music industry has always been a place where bands can rise to fame and fortune with the right combination of talent and luck. But it’s also a place where artists can create art without the pressures of mainstream success and competition, and that’s exactly what TRUTH DEVOID is doing with its latest single, Absolution In Savagery.
TRUTH DEVOID is a band based out of Harrisburg, PA, and they make heavy metal music with pure death metal influences. Their new single is an anthemic track that explores the darker side of US metal culture through its lyrics and instrumentation.
The vocals are delivered by a male singer who uses both clean singing and growling to create a powerful soundscape for listeners to explore. This project originated on Trash Metal but is far from being trash.
Fans of Slayers, Anthrax, Exodus and Sepultura will love it. Those who enjoy this explosive savage music sound should check out more from TRUTH DEVOID on Spotify, follow them and visit their BandCamp for more information about them and where they will be playing next!

10) DAWGGONEDAVIS – Love’s Boss
DAWGGONEDAVIS is a Kansas City, Missouri-based rock band who released their single “Love’s Boss” last week. The song has been described as “a light-hearted, funny piece of rhythm and blues with a hint of rap”.
Their sound is a unique blend of rhythm and blues, spoken word, rock n roll, art rock, and even a little bit of country. Their lyrics are often political or socially conscious, but also romantic and funny. It’s made for dancing and forgetting about the rest!
The band has been compared to artists like Fleetwood Mac—and it’s easy to see why! They’ve got male and female vocals which harmonize everything beautifully.
If you’re looking for something different from your usual indie rock or pop rock music, give DAWGGONEDAVIS a listen. You won’t be disappointed! Check it out, visit their BandCamp and follow them on Spotify.